A Smiling Woman Holding an Ultrasound

Early Gender


100% Accuracy Early Gender Determination To Kick Start Reveal Party!

Trust GVM Baby World for precise fetal gender determination with advanced 5D ultrasound technology. Our technician use specialized techniques to determine baby’s gender at an early stage. You can rest assured that your result will not be disappointing at delivery.

The early reveal of fetal gender is of great importance for many parents. 3D Ultrasound is the most accurate method in finding out the gender, but need highly trained and specialized technicians. At GVM Baby World 3D Ultrasound, you will get the result you are looking for with 100% accuracy rate. Because this is what we do, and have technician that is specialized in Early Gender Determination, you can rest assured that your result will not be disappointing at delivery. 


Gender Confirmation Ultrasound


Better Care When You Need

Witness the kicks & punches live as they happen in 3D 4D & 5D. See who your baby looks like, & take home these wonderful memories that will last forever.